14685 25.75 Road
Rapid River, MI 49878

Tel: 906-399-2815​​​​​​​
Greetings from north of the bridge! I’d like to 
first take this opportunity to congratulate Jackie Bishop on her election to the MSG Executive Committee, and to thank the delegates for placing their confidence in me as your new MSG Lecturer to continue the wonderful programs Jackie has overseen these last six+ years.

​We were all chatting around the table one day at 
state session and someone asked me if I’d ever been a Lecturer before? As I was thinking back on my Grange life, I said yes. And then I thought there isn’t an office I haven’t held in some form or fashion, either as an elected officer in my local Grange, Pomona Grange, State Grange, or as a member of a Degree team. I believe I even stood during a tableau during the first four degrees, and on stage as a court lady next to the Ceres of the National Grange. I think my favorite, though, was as Lecturer in my Subordinate/Community Grange. It gave me an opportunity to study a bit deeper into the workings of the Grange so that I could impart that information onto my fellow brothers and sisters.

But the position is more than just for education. It’s as a member of a team of officers who lead our members into a changing future-ever facing the light. I hope to bring new programs to you from the National Grange and from our community partners. Each Grange News I will bring you a few details from each of our departments and how you and your Grange can become a Distinguished Grange, earn an award in Community Service, encourage participation in the Deaf Awareness program, and so much more. If there is a program you would like to learn more about, please send me an email. It may become a part of the Lecturer’s department!
We will be attending the National Grange session in Bettendorf, Iowa in a few short weeks. I will participate in as many Lecturer’s events as possible. Several workshops are being offered in leadership development, programming and fundraising; all of which will benefit our Granges here in Michigan. So, keep an eye on this column to see what there will be in the offering for you and your Grange.
You’ll also see some updated contests to enter in the new program book coming out in the next MGN. I challenge each of you to enter at least ONE contest from one of the departments that offer a contest. I’d like to see the exhibit room FULL! 

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What is the emblem of the Fourth Degree? (answer next time!)

​And now for the winners of the various contests 
held at State Session! Congratulations to you all!
Class A: Items Created from Yarn
1st: Rebecca Winter, Home #129
2nd: Naomi Fletcher, Burns #160
3rd: Joan Hellman, Pittsfield Union #882
Class B: Items Created from Paper
1st: Peggy Johnston, Burns #160
2nd: Dale Moore, Burns #160
3rd: Sharon Popler, Burns #160
Class C: Items Created from Fabric
Juniors: 9-14 year olds
1st: Olivia Sivyer, Burns #160
1st: Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
2nd: Linda Bula, Fern #803
3rd: Helen Mudd, Studley #1174
Class D: Items Created with Thread
1st: Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
Class E: Items made with paints, water colors, etc.
Junior: Agea 8 and under
1st: Winter Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
1st: Naomi Fletcher, Burns #160
2nd: Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
Class F: Items using Mixed Media
1st: Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
2nd: LaDonna Kurburski, Harbor Springs #730
3rd: Sharon Strebbing, Plymouth/Westland #389

Class G:Miscellaneous Art
Junior: ages 8 and under
1st: Winter Hsu-Bishop
1st: Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
2nd: Naomi Fletcher, Burns #160
3rd: Arlene Douglas, Burns #160
Class A: Animals
1st: Joan Hellmann, Pittsfield Union #882
2nd: Chris Johnston, Burns #160
3rd: Dale Moore, Burns #160
Class B: People
Juniors: ages 8 and under
1st: Winter Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
2nd Willow Hsu-Bishop, Home #129​
1st: Kathryn Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
2nd: Marcus Johnston, Gratiot #1898
3rd: Naomi Fletcher, Burns #160
Class C: Farm Crops Scene
1st: Heather Hyatt Mudd, Studley #1174
2nd: Kathryn Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
3rd: Sharon Popler, Burns #160
Class D: Sky
1st: Dale Moore, Burns #160
2nd: Kathryn Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
3rd: Lena Young, Community #1675
Class E: Monuments
1st: Gary Ettinger, Barnard #689
2nd: Marcus Johnston, Gratiot #1898
3rd: Naomi Fletcher, Burns #160
Kathryn Hsu-Bishop, Home #129
Class A: Yeast Breads
1st: Dale Moore, Burns #160
Class B: Fruit Pie
1st: Lena Young
Class C: Canned Items
1st Peggy Johnston, Burns #160

​Traditional or Unusual Family Recipe
1st: Connie Johnston, Gratiot #1898
2nd: Peggy Johnston, Burns #160
3rd: Sharon Popler, Burns #160
Karen Wolletz, Barnard #689
Certificates for Reporting:
Mid Michigan Pomona #61, St. Joseph/Cass/Kalamazoo Pomona #4
Barnard #689, Burns # 160, Burr Oak #1350, Colon #215, Community #1675, Gratiot #1898, Harbor Springs #730, Pittsfield Union #882, Studley #1174, Summit City #672, West Oshtemo #1630.​

WOW!! What a way to recharge your Grange batteries! Attending both Michigan State Grange and National Grange annual sessions within two weeks of each other, seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and learning about the progress each Grange is making! 

One program that I'd like to encourage your Grange to participate in is the Heirloom Program. It teaches new members about the history and ritual of the Grange as many of us older members know it, and might even impart information to long-standing members who may not know all there is about our wonderful organization. Following is a quote from the program information that can be found at the National Grange website.
"Change is inevitable, as our founders told us through the ritual work they left us. Even as we change, evolve and grow, it is essential that we retain and impart upon new members our most sacredly held values – not only those of faith, hope, charity and fidelity, but also of civility, respect for others, nonpartisanship, lifelong education, the reverence for those who allow us to meet our most basic of needs (agriculturalists and others that produce our food and shelter), and more."

So let's embrace change, yet keep our roots deep in agriculture. We've become a community service organization as a result of our own generosity over these last 150 years. I hope to be able to provide you with information about other programs and encourage you to participate as your Grange is able.

The first is the Distinguished Grange Award. Our own First Lady, Connie Johnston, is the National Chair for this program. This simple application can be found at the National Grange website. Some items are as easy as submitting a resolution to your State Grange, or hosting a State or National officer or program chair at one of your meetings.

​More about each of these programs will be provided quarterly to you in the Lecturer's bulletin. 

Did you answer the question to last month's Question of the Month? The Agate, the emblem of the 4th degree, symbolizes Fidelity.  May your principles of manhood and womanhood be as firmly impressed as the lasting colors in the stone, and may our friendship be as firm as the stone itself. 

Question of the month: What is the season of the 3rd degree?