60822 Creek Road
Niles, MI 49120
Well, hello everyone. What a surprise I had at the State Session back in October 2024 when I tallied all the Grange Dollars that were saved and turned in to me there. What an amazing figure! We collected $2,712 in Grange Dollars. It was a fun way to bring in a large amount of money to the MSG Treasury. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all that participated in this project. With such a great response, I have decided that we need to continue this project for 2025. So please keep collecting the Grange Dollars (G). Please remember that the Grange that turns in the most will receive a Framed Grange Dollar along with a $50 gift card from Meijer. We will also be collecting “Pennies from Heaven”, so bring your loose change as it doesn’t have to be just pennies. It doesn’t have to be rolled and ready to take to the bank as I can take it to my local Credit Union where they have a coin counting machine! So, bring as much or as little as you can!
An update on the 10”x10” squares Blanket Raffle. We showed off the beautiful blankets at the 2024 State Session. Once the next Host Region secures a place to host the 2025 Session, Connie Johnston will apply for the raffle license with the State of Michigan. We must know where our Session is being held as we have to tell the State where the drawing will be held. The 1st prize blanket is 8 squares across by 9 squares long, so this will be a very big blanket. The 2nd prize blanket is I believe 7 squares across by 8 squares long. And there is a 3rd prize which is a $50 Shell gas card and a $25 Lowe’s card. As soon as Connie has received the license from the State, she will then start printing tickets. We will ask that all Granges and Grangers help sell these tickets through 2025. We want to sell lots of tickets so we can make a nice amount from these prizes. Everything so far has been DONATED including the cost of shipping the squares out to Washington State to be put together and to ship the finished blankets back to Michigan.
The Silent Auction did nicely at the State Session as that helped bring in $680.50 to our Treasury.
I look forward to hearing from you if you have any suggestions for future fund raisers. We need to think of things we can reach outside of the Grange Membership circle to bring in other sources of funds.
Thank you so much to everyone that helped with the fundraising efforts in 2024. I look forward to what we can all accomplish in 2025 when we work together.
Hello everyone. We have an update on the Afghan Blanket Raffle! Connie Johnston has applied for the license with the State of Michigan Gaming Commission. Once she receives the approved license and our raffle number, she will begin printing tickets. We will be starting with 1,000 tickets but will print more as needed, which I really hope we need to! Here is the information on the raffle:
The drawing will be held on October 18, 2025 at the Michigan State Grange Celebration Banquet which is being held at the Comstock Inn & Conference Center in Owosso Michigan. The drawing will take place at 8:30pm that evening and the winners need not be present to win. 1st prize will be the KING size handmade Afghan Blanket, 2nd prize will be the QUEEN size handmade Afghan Blanket and 3rd prize will be a $50 Shell Gas Card and a $25 Lowe’s Card. Tickets will sell for $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. Tickets will be available to each Grange or Grange member, and we ask that everyone help sell these tickets. Tickets can also be purchased by sending a check or money order payable to Michigan State Grange in the care of Kevin Young MSG Treasurer 60822 Creek Rd., Niles MI 49120. Once the funds have been deposited and have been posted to the MSG bank account, copies of the completed tickets along with the ticket stubs will be mailed back to the purchaser. Please remember that this fundraiser has not cost the State Grange anything but the license fee so far. All the work on the blankets has been donated, from the making of each square to the sewing together of the squares and even the shipping back and forth from Michigan to Washington State and back to Michigan. Even the gift cards were donated. If we put a good effort into selling tickets, this will bring in a great deal of money by Oct. 18th.
I hope everyone is collecting the Grange Dollars to turn in at the State Session in October. This was a wonderful fund-raising project that all can participate in. We collected over $2,000 last year and I feel we can do that again if not more if we all do our part. If you do not wish to collect the “G” dollars, we will take any currency and coins you would like to collect as we are also do the “Pennies from Heaven” collection as well.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future fundraising projects, I would love to hear from you. I had one Grange member mention she would be willing to donate one of her handmade quilts so that could happen in the near future. Stay tuned….