Spring is just around the corner!! It is February 22nd as I sit and write to you. Winter finally showed up in February here in my part of Michigan. We had bitter cold and finally some decent snow falls. Now we are looking to finish February with temps in the 40s and rain. At least we received moisture to help replenish the ground prior to growing season.
I hope everyone that plants a garden, no matter the size, took the time to plan their garden plantings for this growing season. It won’t be long, and we will be out working up the soil in preparation to plant and reap the harvest through the growing year.
Yes, snow is a part of everyday life during winter in our community. And don’t we often wish we didn’t have to live with it, but we couldn’t live without it.
I hope you also took time to look over all of the class offerings not only in the Agriculture Department but all of the contests for every Department in the new Program Book that was in the last issue of the MGN. There are lots of activities for young and old in the Program Book.
Things have really changed in Washington D.C. since my last article and not for the good I am afraid. Some things might end up okay but there will be main programs I am afraid will be cut completely or a large portion of the funding cut. This is not good for our Agriculture sector in the United States especially here in Michigan. I agree there is much overspending in our Nation but the way things are being done is going to grind our Nation to a standstill. We voted for people to represent us in our State Capitol and our Nation’s Capitol. They are not representing the masses, but only the 1%. We as Grange Members need to band together like our forefathers did when the Grange was first formed. We need to stand for what is right and help those that aren’t being heard. Now is the time to rally our friends to join us as we know from our past that our Grange voice can make a change!
If you are able to buy local, please support your neighbors or the small businesses in your communities over shopping at the Big Box stores. The small businesses and your neighbors will be the first ones to be hurt by the lack of funding or cut programs.
I will get off of my soap box and close my article. Please remember that Spring is a time for new beginnings and growth. I hope you all are able to Grow your Grange!
Here is hoping 2025 is another great Grange year for all and brings bounty to our Agriculture Neighbors and Friends!
Until later….
Happy New Year everyone! Wow, 2024 is in the books and 2025 has just started! Well, I am sure everyone is starting to think about Spring and winter is not even half over! I know it is important to have snow during the winter months as that helps to add moisture to our farm fields and helps to protect the winter wheat during the cold months. So far, we have had a little bit of snow in my area of Michigan which seems weird as it is Nov 30th as I sit writing this article. What snow we had earlier in November didn’t stay around long because the temperature wasn’t cold enough. Well at the end of November it is cold!! I hope this isn’t a sign of what winter is going to be like. I do not like cold weather where the high temperatures do not get over 32.
Yes, snow is a part of everyday life during winter in our community. And don’t we often wish we didn’t have to live with it, but we couldn’t live without it.
So, while you sit and look at the snow float from the sky, think about what you might want to plant in your gardens or yards this coming spring. Now is a great time to be looking through the seed catalogs and plant books for those special favorites you might want to plant and then share the crops with friends and neighbors.
Here is a good reason to plan early. Be sure to check out the Agriculture Department in the Program Book. I left the classes from 2024 in the program book for 2025. I know it is tough trying to get things to last until our State Session, but I try to have classes that the produce would still be good to enter. If our State Session was during the late Summer or early Fall months, we could do more classes to deal with fruits, vegetables and flowers. Remember that the class under Flowers: Bloom is any type of flower bloom and they are fresh not dried. Please be sure to keep the inserted Program Book for the 2025 State Session.
Keep an eye on the approval process of the new Farm Bill. It doesn’t just affect the Farmers etc, but it also affects anyone that receives the SNAP benefits as well. There are a lot of things in this 1,000+ page bill that Debbie Stabenow stands behind and is trying to get passed before the end of her term.
Also, be aware of the tariffs that the new Federal Administration is looking to add to all items from Mexico and Canada. The United States gets lots of PRODUCE from both countries but mostly from Mexico because that’s where all of the off season items come from when the United States is between growing seasons. The tariffs proposed will just raise the cost of food for all of our tables. Please be sure to let your Congressmen and Women know that it is not a good idea to make the residents of the USA pay any more than we already do to feed our families.
Well, that is all for now. I have to do a Quarterly Bulletin now as the Directives state that all Department Directors are required to do a quarterly bulletin. I am not sure what it will include each quarter but I will try to provide some good ideas, information or fun items for each quarter.
Here is hoping 2025 is another great Grange year for all and brings bounty to our Agriculture Neighbors and Friends!
Until later….