Naomi Fletcher, President
14684 25-75 Road
​Rapid River, MI 49878

​Tel: 906-399-2815

The Mission of the Foundation is to provide educational resources to an many members and charitable organizations as possible, as well as to support health and wellness. Interest free loans are available for Grange members to attend Universities, Colleges, and/or Trade Schools of their choice. Funds are also available for Grange Department Directors' programs including support for Youth Leadership and Promotion, Junior Activities, Family Activities, Lecturer’s Activities, Deaf Awareness Projects, and Community Service Projects.

The Foundation is supported by donations from Granges and by individuals who believe in the program. Additional funds are also gained from investments made by the Foundation Board of Directors.

​A permanent Endowment Fund has been established from which only the interest earned is used for Foundation activities. Donations can be made directly to the endowment fund. In addition one-half of all general donations are credited to the fund. Establishment of this fund assures a continued support in the future of the Foundation programs.

​Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible, as the Foundation is incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit entity. Donations can be made to commemorate the lives of
deceased friends, family, and Grange brethren. It is also suggested that donations can be made on special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. The Foundation can also be named as a beneficiary in a will or trust, and can accept real estate and personal property donations. Your donations to the Michigan State Grange Foundation will be gratefully acknowledged and your support will be appreciated by the many benefactors that receive support from Foundation programs.

Michigan State Grange Foundation
Annual Report 2023-24

​Brothers and Sisters,
It is my privilege to provide the Michigan State Grange a report of the state of the Michigan Grange Foundation on behalf of the full board. 

Members of the Board of the Foundation include Jackie Bishop-Secretary/Treasurer, Susan Wagner-Vice President, Jeff Swainston-Director and Chris Johnston-Director. Each of these individuals have worked together in making major decisions on behalf of the Foundation. Thank you for your dedication to the work of the Foundation. We are sad to announce that Susan Wagner has chosen not to continue as a member of the Board. We wish her well in her commitment to family and the Grange.
The Foundation’s work has focused over the years on providing charitable contributions to such organizations whose purpose aligns with the aims and purposes of the Foundation. The Foundation
also provides student loans to individuals seeking higher education in university, college or vocational arenas. The Foundation is this year considering instituting a scholarship to any student in higher
education in addition to the student loan program. We hope to have a final application ready in the Spring. Watch your Grange News for updates. In addition, the Foundation supports the work of the Grange as a whole through newsletter publishing and postage, and the work of the MSG Department Directors to carry out and develop programs relevant to today’s Grange.
The work of the Foundation relies on the generosity of members and friends of the Grange through donations, bequests and repayments of student loans. Additionally, investments generate interest to assist in perpetuating the Foundation funds.

​Through the years, the generosity of members 
and friends have allowed the MSG Foundation to perpetuate its work. The passing of long-standing members this last year have added to the principal and will be used to advance the purposes of the Foundation.
An additional important item of note are the funds specifically dedicated to securing a monument commemorating Past State Master Jonathan Woodman. The Sesquicentennial Committee was charged with completing the task of securing needed information to complete the necessary paperwork to set the monument. Several members have made attempts to contact the surviving member of Brother Woodman’s family to no avail. I believe the next task is to work with the Sexton and the Cemetery Board to
place the marker. If it means generating a resolution to present to the County Board of Commissioners, I’m happy to help. We’re looking for individuals that would be willing to assist with this footwork. If necessary, I’m willing to meet with any individuals in charge at the Cemetery or in the county to try to resolve this important issue this next year. 

As always, the Foundation thanks the Grange members and friends for their generosity over the
years. Your donations assist in continuing the work of the Grange and the Foundation. As a 501©3 organization, your contributions are tax deductible.

Naomi Fletcher, Board President
Michigan State Grange Foundation

Welcome to a new year! And with the new year comes not only snow, but days getting longer and hopefully
Please mark your calendar for the next Foundation meeting Sunday-January 19 beginning at 3:00 pm. If
you’d like to join the meeting as a visitor please let me know and we’ll forward the Zoom link to you. We’ll be discussing and hopefully finalizing a new scholarship program. Your input would be valuable in a final decision.
I’d like to welcome Asgeir Sigurdsson aka Oz as the newest member to the Foundation board. He brings financial planning knowledge to the board and will be a valuable asset.

Your continued support of the MSG Foundation is greatly appreciated-by memorials, gifts and endowments.
Thank You!